
Trace Software的可持续发展之路

Trace Software已经准备好在建筑和能源领域展开一场新的创新革命……

2019年,Trace Software出售了整条elecworks电气软件业务线给Dassault Systemes,包括软件的所有知识产权及研发团队。这也意味着,Trace Software放弃了“工业机械”电气设计软件市场,例如电气原理图,P&ID图设计,气液图设计,那么,Trace Software的未来发展方向将会是什么样的呢?

我们总结了Trace Software International创始人兼R&D总监Etienne Mullie在一次专访中的谈话内容,明确了Trace Software International在未来几年的可持续发展方向——投入到建筑和能源领域,继续开发响应建筑业需要的电气设计,生产和运行及维护解决方案(能源输送,配电,弱电,IOT…)。


实际上,Trace Software(以下简称TSI)在1998年就已经进入建筑业市场了。那时TSI与APAVE公司签订了一项重要的开发协议,开发的电气计算软件给竞争对手(IGE-XAO,ALPI)带来了不小的麻烦。当年推出的电气计算软件名为TR-CIEL






Trace Software希望做到的其实很简单,就是给业主提供可以了解和管理自己电气装置的工具,且简单易用。由此,当业主决定把部分工程外包时,自己可以提供可靠的数据信息给外包商或内部团队,并且能知道他们所作的修改对原系统造成的影响。能源成本也很重要,90%的电气装置的采购计划是无法预测的,但是要掌握其能耗成本,就必须要了解自己的电气装置。


Trace Software International具有30年的工业软件领域实践经验,在西班牙巴塞罗那和马德里,中国上海,摩洛哥都设有分公司,并即将在德国开设新的分公司。另外,他也控股着在2015年收购的Cythelia Energy公司。这是一家新能源领域的专业公司,开发针对光伏发电系统的设计,安装,运维全生命周期管理解决方案,同时也是一家法国专业的光伏工程咨询公司。Trace Software同时还控股Green SystèmesBIM&CO两家公司。


在建筑中BIM的应用会对电气系统设计流程造成很大影响,三年前TSI就开始了针对BIM电气设计的研发,在2018年推出了首个版本的elec calc BIM,可以完全覆盖建筑业和工业工程领域的电气解决方案。

eleccalc BIM电气软件

制造商数据是专业工具应用成功的重要保障:没有制造商数据,我们的客户无法应用软件。而在BIM应用中,这些数据也至关重要,且要求数据能够流通。也就是说在建筑数字模型(BIM)中的数据对象,要包含BIM应用过程中所有软件都能读懂的数据,而不需要重新录入。如果Trace Software想把产品应用到全球的BIM市场中,就需要解决BIM数据的兼容性问题。而他对BIM&CO的投资将从BIM&CO技术中获益,建立BIM数据接口。所有来自BIM&CO平台的BIM数据模型都将兼容Trace Software的产品。数字模型不仅实现建筑物的3D建模,而且能深入到它的能效利用,环境效应,或物业运维中。
“BIM的到来,让我们30年来首次有机会深入了解建筑电气装置系统设计过程,以及这其中所应用到的软件和技术。”——Etienne Mullie
Green Systèmes 是一个初创公司,成立于2013年,是电子设备和软件领域的开发专家,致力于优化建筑和设备能源使用效率,确切的说,应该叫做“绿色解决方案”,其基础是对建筑中捕获的能源数据进行监督和分析,以提高其使用效率。TSI共同参与两个项目:能源管理软件(EMS)的开发,及可以集成未来产品elec calc exploitation和BIM exploitation的绿色节能方案。关于绿色节能方案的集成应用,TSI的关注点是采集动态数据并和理论或设计阶段的理想数据对比。受益于WEB服务,数据的采集及集成更加容易,绿色节能方案也更容易应用,它会将TSI的产品应用提升到新的维度。
能源管理软件则是一项新的开发。Trace Software无法独立完成开发,因为涉及到一些硬件开发,且目前市场还比较窄。这个软件平台致力于优化能源利用率,它取决于装置参数和较多的外部参数,例如天气或生产参数等。电气装置中的某些耗能单元是可以优化的,也就是说在某些时间段可以停止或减少这些设备的能耗,这将有效提高节能效率。如果能源来自太阳能和储能装置,客户可以根据日照周期进行优化。这些需要一些传感器,继电器,以及一些IA算法的支持,系统比较复杂。Green Systèmes 开发的智能电网解决方案,也已经融入到Trace Software 建筑和能源解决方案中。TSI已经在位于法国诺曼底的Trace总部开工建设了一个小型DEMO建筑,作为智能网络的示范项目。下图为Groupe Trace集团总部正在建造的一个包含储能和电动汽车充电终端的光伏发电停车场。
同时也在法国尚贝里为Cythelia Energy的公司新总部开工建设了一栋新的大型的基于智能网络技术的办公楼。该项目名为”Green 2020″,旨在为Green Systèmes 的微电网解决方案建立示范项目,其目标是实现智能、高效地现场生产并自主消耗能源。(见下图)
微电网解决方案,电气设计计算软件 微电网解决方案,电气设计计算软件
运用新科技的 CYTHELIA ENERGY 新总部,新建筑将不消耗任何外部电能,建成后将接入到智能电网中,包含新能源汽车的充电系统。Green Solution帮助建筑物找到节能领域,并提出对应解决方案,让建筑物的能源使用效率更高。 
总之,Trace Software已经开始并将加速在建筑和能源行业解决方案的投入,新的软件产品让Trace Software对进入建筑和能源市场并成为市场领导者充满信心。


联系我们: 021-6236 0985


Trace Software参加江苏省高等学校实验教学与实践教育中心联席会





Trace Software 作为企业代表应邀参会,并做“智能电气设计助力实践式教学”的报告演讲,主要交流了在电工电子实验教学改革过程中,软件厂商能够提供的实践式教学方案,以及如何通过项目式教学,结合虚拟仿真环境提升实验课程的参与度。




关于Trace Software

法国Trace Software公司成立于1987年,具有30年电气CAE解决方案的开发和服务经验,子公司TraceParts是全球最大的工业3D零件库服务商。公司所提供的解决方案涵盖了工业自动化电气设计,高低压电气系统仿真计算,光伏系统设计三大领域。

Elecworks 在核电、工业自动化、轨道交通、机械制造、电力行业的电气设计中发挥了重要作用,取代传统CAD的设计方式,大幅提高设计效率和标准化程度;

Eleccalc 在建筑,化工,石油,公共设施等行业的电力配电系统解决方案优化了配电系统计算的准确度,节约配电系统成本,提升系统的整体稳定性发挥了重要作用。


校企合作:021-6236 0850





elecworks 2016电气设计软件 ,电气项目更加敏捷和高效


elecworks 2016版本于20159月下旬正式发布,其中的新增和改进功能旨在提升生产率。主要体现在以下几个方面的提升:数据敏捷性,操作自动化,流程标准化,程序稳定性。

Trace Software International的目标就是为客户提供灵活、直观、高效、最佳的解决方案。



Special paste for a faster design in elecworks 2016


进一步增强了elecworks 的宏处理功能,在2016版本中用户可以将整张图纸及其设置保存为宏,甚至可以将整个项目保存为宏,在其他项目中可以直接调用。项目宏,是一个强有力的工具,为项目标准化提供有力的技术支持,基于标准项目模块的搭建,简化大型项目的设计流程。

Project macros for a great standardization of the project in elecworks 2016


New filters in reports to get more detailed documentation in elecworks 2016


elecworks 2016 增加了接线方向的图形化表达方式,无需多余的文档协助,提升项目的物理安装与必要的生产制造速度。此功能可以节约用户在不同文档之间的切换时间。
Graphic cabling order PCP elecworks 2016


处于维护期内的用户可以在 Trace Software 技术支持区域 下载新版本。



elec calc 3.4.5 new release

30/05/2013This new release brings enhancements to electrical calculations, in particular on the following points:

• Improved management of 1 pole breaking capacity in IT.
• Optimization of external LV power supply management.
• Taking into account single-phase alternators.
• Development of protection capabilities with regards to inverters.
• Improved management of equipotential wire when the circuit has multiple cables.

This version is available for all our customers with a subscription for download on our website with your license number (click here for direct access).

Elec Calc™ works also with additional modules, do not hesitate to contact us:
• A selectivity by curves module for a dynamic multi-manufacturer study.
• A discrimination module for an economical breakers choice.
• An export module to Excel for an easy use of your data.
• An export module to elecworks™ / SolidWorks Electrical to automatically multi-line diagrams and to integrate the control part of your projects.

elec calc 3.6.2 new version and its enhancements

elec calc 3.6.2 new release01/06/15 – elec calc 3.6.2 release and the new features

  • Enter the number of conductors: it is no longer possible to enter 0
  • The checkbox BE3: the explosion hazard becomes accessible regardless of the selected installation method.
  • Manufacturers’ Catalogs & updates :

– Schneider: 5.0H and 7.0H micrologic supplements, ranges GV2LE and P25M
– Eaton / Moeller: PKE circuit breakers
– Emerson / Leroy Somer: UNIDRIVE Mxx drives
– Vacon: 100 FLOW drives
– Rockwell: circuit breakers 1489-M, 1492-PMS

Download of the elec calc version 3.6.2

This version is available for customers with an active subscription. Just click on this link and enter license & company information: http://forms.trace-software.com/support/fr/upds.asp?product=tci

The catalog updates and the software application update can be downloaded separately:

To request for a quote for an upgrade or for a subscription, write to us at commercial@trace-software.com.

elecworks™ 2013 for optimized design

11/04/2013 – elecworks™ 2013 R2 brings many improvements to speed up the design process. There are new filters to accelerate search and new entities or symbols to adapt to specific in-house processes.

elecworks 2013 release for optimized electrical design

elecworks 2013 release for optimized electrical design

Special copy – paste and renumbering of the terminals in the terminal strip

The design is accelerated by the introduction of a copy – paste special command, to paste in the same project or in another one, all that is present inside the selection box. A dialog box proposes to define the action to be taken for each type of object in this context (to create or not a new  location mark, to delete or not the wire numbers, etc.). This copy-paste special command can be applied to a folio or an entire project. The user can of course check technical features to change them at any time. With this feature, you can copy an entire panel layout in a few clicks!

Another unique time saving tool to use for an optimized design is a new command in the terminal strip management that allows you to sort the terminals then to renumber the selected terminals according to 3 criteria of your choice (positioning, tracking or connection).

Search filters for direct access

New filters have been developed to facilitate the search:

  • A search function of a component in the component tree on the left allows you to quickly find what you are looking for.
  • In the Project Manager, the introduction of search criteria, for example part of the project name to reduce the list of projects displayed and quickly find that we are looking for.
  • A “find and replace” command in the translation of texts helps you quickly find a text and possibly replace it wherever you want.

Respecting in-house standards

With the introduction of new entities or symbols and a greater flexibility in project documents, import-export, internal company standards can be easily respected. For example, the new object “mask” removes certain schematic entities without cutting lines to obtain an aerospace-type drawing. A mask can be inserted together with the 2D panel thumbnail, to hide the rail, and still count the rail in your BOM. elecworks™ 2013 R2 version also introduces a new type of symbol called “passive symbol”. Without electrical characteristics, such as a ground symbol, it is stored in the library to be inserted in a drawing.

Management of project documents and import-export also changes with this new version. Generated files (BOM, text and excel export) can be added to the project as data files by the “add file created project” that allows you to select the directory in which the user wants to save. Export in PDF format changes: the project tree is stored as bookmarks. When importing DWG file, it is now possible to add to the library the templates and symbols that are not yet present.

Onboard elecworks for embedded systems and Elecworks Education

Finally, elecworks 2013 R2 version brings the following changes:

  • The introduction of an educational version with a specific offer, exclusively for the world of education.
  • Elecworks interface is now available in Japanese (the 11th language available).
  • The release of a version elecworks Onboard for the design of embedded systems in the aerospace, automotive, rail and naval sectors : introduction of wire labels and equipotential labels, data can assigned on lines, option on contours location to meet the need for labels, etc.

Integration of semi-conductor fuses into elec calc

07/11/2013 – The new release of elec calc™ 3.4.6 includes installations with semi-conductor fuses:

  • Taking into account fuses with gR and aR characteristics.
  • Addition of manufacturer parts for this type of fuses (Mersen, Siemens).
  • After choosing a manufacturer reference, get the curves of (I²t vs I) energetic representation*, to help with the installation optimization.

(* It is available in the complete version of the standard package, you do need the selectivity module to get the curve display).

Curves Fuses uR

Curves Fuses uR

Synoptique avec les fusibles ultra-rapides

Synoptic within elec calc™ with semi-conductor fuses

This version is now available for all our customers with a subscription for download on our website with your license number (click here for direct access).

elec calc™ works also with additional modules, do not hesitate to contact us:

  • A selectivity y curves module for a dynamic multi-manufacturer study.
  • A discrimination module for an economical breakers choice.
  • An export module to Excel for an easy use of your data.
  • An export module to elecworks™ / SolidWorks Electrical to automatically multi-line diagrams and to integrate the control part of your projects.


elecworks 2015

The Elecworks 2015 is now available. It includes important new functionalities as well as new interfaces to find more easily certain information or to design faster.

Main new features for this version are that you can:

  • Personalize user rights management with user profiles and the different levels of access according to the use.
    This new feature will allow you to restrict the use of the software. Not only is the access protected by a password, but also according to the user profile, he / she can only use the commands that have been authorized by the administrator. Five levels of user rights are proposed according to the project use (user, project manager, project editor, etc.).
  • Use specific commands to manage connectors : pour dessiner automatiquement to do connector drawings automatically. New commands in the schematic ribbon have been added to manage the creation and insertion of connectors (this requires an elecworks ONBOARD license).

Connector managment in elecworks

  • Download CAD files using a new command: In the manufacturer parts manager, you can directly download the 2D footprint associated to a particular reference instead of using the default part.

Downloading the 2D footprint associated with a manufacturer reference

  • Modify project data directly in Excel by exporting and importing the modified elecworks data.
    Project data can now be modified using export/import Excel. You can select the data to be modified and then export it to Excel. This Excel file will have as many columns as there are components present in the selection/ project. The user modifies directly the data in the Excel file before re-importing them. During the Excel import into elecworks, elecworks alerts you of the eventual conflicts that would arise due to these modifications.

Modifying data into an Excel file with the Excel Export in elecworks

Here are some of the other enhancements:
XML export of project data in reports manager,
More options during archive of the software environment according to needs. It is now possible to:

  • Custom select objects to archive
  • Choose all objects
  • Archive only the changes made by the user (using a date filter )
  • Set a reminder to archive the recent changes at regular intervals.

New interface for the « Filter » in managers (symbols, 2D footprints, title-blocks, cables, manufacturer references and macros). Now, all the properties are used to filter the content of the manager, included the text field in whichever language you use.
New interface for the « Filter » in managers

New interface for the formula manager has been modified and new variables have been created, which will help in displaying the relevant project information.

New interface for the formula manager
The « Drawing » menu is divided into 2 distinct ribbons : « Drawing » for the creation commands and dimension marks; « Modify » for the edition commands.