elec calc 3.6 release and its new feature regarding fire prevention

elec calc 3.6 and its new feature regarding fire prevention

elec calc version 3.6

This version, which will be available from 10 March 2015 onwards, will bring updates on catalogs and structural optimizations.

For the Belgium market, a major new feature, takes into account the Royal Decree of 23 April 2013, regarding fire prevention. Click here to read further on the new features and the download terms.

This version elec calc 3.6 available from 10 March 2015 onwards, will bring these changes to catalogs:

  • Update for Hager 2015
  • Update with Siemens 3WL (Air Circuit Breakers)
  • Additions to back-up study tables data in Hager et Siemens
  • Additions to selectivity study tables data in Schneider
  • Cables XFVB-F2 type, from EUPEN for the Belgium market

New manufacturer references for elec calc 3.6


The management of connection to the database is, now, done as and when, the user needs catalog data, as opposed to accessing all data at the launch of the application (this means that there are no more limits to adding catalogs to address users’ demands).

Improvement on the database management, related to the addition of new catalogs: when the software was started, a connection was opened, on all the data folders; now the connection is opened only on the data folders, when needed.

In case of big files (which contain many operating modes, with many loads and feeders systems), the temporary file used to generate the calculation notes, now, only contains the necessary data (so, memory size is optimized).

In the Excel input, a problem with the feeder names input was corrected.

Concerning the norm NF C15-100, this version brings an improvement in the protection search, for the conductors with a reduced neutral.

RGIE (AREI) and respecting the royal decree of 25 April 2013 regarding fire prevention

elec calc 3.6 and fire prevention


A huge evolution has come about in the calculation of voltage drops on vital circuits, keeping account of the temperature rise in case of fire. The user defines the length of the cable that is set to fire, as well as the maximum temperature it will attain in the case of a fire.

This royal decree article 104, which modifies the RGIE {AREI} article 5, deals with new obligations to take measures to ensure fire prevention. It introduces the notion that the vital circuits need to be operational, at least, during one hour of fire outbreak, as well as the obligation to put into place type-F2 cables.

The decree indicates that the voltage drop, in case of a temperature rise, needs to be taken in account, without mentioning any rule how to implement this. However, elec calc lets users perform this study using the definition of the length of the cables, which experiences fire and witnesses the temperature rise during the fire.

Download of the elec calc version 3.6

Download of the version 3.6 is available from 10 March for clients with an active subscription. Just click on this link and enter license & company information: http://forms.trace-software.com/support/fr/upds.asp?product=tci

The catalog updates and the software application update can be downloaded separately:

To request for a quote for an upgrade or for a subscription, write to us at commercial@trace-software.com.

new release archelios pro 15.2

Trace Software从Cythelia公司收购 Archelios光伏软件

2015 年2月– 电气CAD解决方案和电气计算软件提供商Trace Software,宣布从Cythelia公司收购Archelios光伏软件以增强其在光伏领域的解决方案完整性,Archelios是一款涉及光伏安装的选型软件。

此次收购计划源于2014年早期Trace Software与Cythelia公司的合作,双方就Archelios软件与Solar Calc光伏系统计算软件的互联达成合作。


Trace Software已经成为目前市场上唯一一家提供完整光伏项目设计解决方案的公司,涵盖了从光伏模块到公共网络接入环节的计算,从简易的居住系统到安装多个逆变器分布式的三相系统的设计。


Trace Software 为可再生能源领域和智能电网领域提供新的软件解决方案,计划在中国,中东,美国地区通过其子公司和经销商网络推广在太阳能领域的解决方案。


Archelios ™ 软件能够在线模拟太阳辐射的能量输出。通过集成3D建模软件SketchUp,可以在光伏电池板的布局设计和精细计算方面提供帮助。在可生产预测方面这是目前世界上最准确的计算软件(根据世界注明的能源和环境工程杂志)

Solar Calc ™ 软件(即将改名为Archelios Calc)是在法国市场的光伏安装与公网接入领域的领先者,基于标准UTE C15-712-1设计。它涵盖了模块的组织,根据安装方式和电缆长度的电缆截面积计算,逆变器选型,避雷装置的定义与选型,保护装置的选型。



Cythelia 是一家工程公司和研发机构,由Alain Ricaud创建于1994年,专注于智能电网领域,从可再生能源到清洁能源,致力于智能电网的发展。Cythelia2006年推出Archelios软件,2012年推出Abatia热构建软件。Cythelia的技术在光伏和可再生能源领域处于世界领先地位。


关于Trace Software:

隶属于法国Trace集团,集团公司成立于1987年,具有27年电气CAD/CAE解决方案的开发和服务经验(1987-2014),公司合作伙伴遍布全球(包括Autodesk, Dassault Systèmes,RS Component),所提供的解决方案涵盖了工业自动化电气设计,低压/高压电气系统计算,太阳能光伏计算等领域。


Trace Software中国:www.tracesoftware.cn